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 Insofta 3D Text Commander v3.0.3 ML

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Admin Jancok
Admin Jancok

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Insofta 3D Text Commander v3.0.3 ML Empty
PostSubyek: Insofta 3D Text Commander v3.0.3 ML   Insofta 3D Text Commander v3.0.3 ML EmptySun 19 Jun - 2:16

Insofta 3D Text Commander v3.0.3 ML Insofta3DTextCommanderv303ML

Insofta 3D Text Commander - Very handy tool to create three-dimensional texts. Can use to create banners, buttons, logos, etc. Allows to achieve very fast demanded result thanks to a built-in assistant.
First you select a font and simply write the necessary text, then make it. Insofta 3D Text Commander contains set of tools for design, but the most important things are light and shadow. Also important are the means of changing the size (in any plane), imposing of textures, import and export in 3D and Flash-editors. The created object can be saved in any graphics format.

Possibilities 3D Text Commander:
• Attract the attention of visitors to 3D banners.
• Use the library of textures.
• Choose the style of the text for what would fit your taste.
• Simple and reliable program.
• Ability to preview your 3D text in real-time preview window, inspect the text on all sides by simply turning his arm.
• Embellish 3D text realistic 3D shadows and reflections - simply by moving the light and playing with his brilliance.
• As a result, you get your 3D text with high resolution and antialiasing sizes up to 4000 by 4000 pixels, save the results of your work directly in the format you want ..

Platform: Win XP/2003/Vista/7
Language: ML
Medicine: Yes

Download : HERE
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Insofta 3D Text Commander v3.0.3 ML

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