This tool will take source file (file with a list of queries) and generate
website-specific queries (-s option) by adding to each
query. Not only queries, but full Google URLs could be generated for each
query (-q). Output could be saved to file in text format (-o) or in HTML with
links format (-t) which will automatically create URLs list.
run as
./ <source file> <options>
<source file> queries source file from GoogleDB (files in db directory)
Options are:
-o output.txt save output to file
-s generate queries for this site only
-q generate google query urls for each line
-t generate output in HTML format (implies -q)
-m LISTFILE generate queries for multiple sites listed in LISTFILE
Command line examples:
1-generate list of search strings for finding login pages
./ "login_pages.txt"
2-generate list of Google queries for finding login pages
./ "login_pages.txt" -q
3-same as 2, but in HTML format
./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t
4-same as 3, but save to "OUT.html"
./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t -o "OUT.html"
5-generate queries as in 4, but only for
./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t -o "OUT.html" -s
6-all of the above, for multiple sites from "sites.txt" list
./ "login_pages.txt" -q -t -o OUT.html -s -m sites.txt